I'm a Siberian
As a Siberian I am a landrace variety of domestic cat, present in Russia for centuries, and more recently developed as a formal breed, with standards promulgated since the late 1980s.
I have a longer formal name which is the Siberian Forest Cat, but I am usually referred to as the Siberian or the Siberian cat.
They tell me that another name for the formal breed is the Moscow Semi-Longhair.
I am an ancient breed that is now believed to be ancestral to all modern long-haired cats and have similarities with the Norwegian Forest Cat, to which I am likely to be closely related.
I am a natural breed of Siberia and the national cat of Russia.
While I began as a landrace, I have been selectively bred and pedigreed today in at least seven major cat fancier and breeder organisations. The colorpoint variant of the breed is called the Neva Masquerade by some registries, including Feline Federation Europe (FFE).
There are claims that it is hypoallergenic and produces less Fel d1 than other cat breeds.